Everything you need to know about the boardapi is right here


In order to access the boardapi, you will need to register for an api key, which should be included in the header of every request.

Once you have your key, you will be able to access the data of over 21,000 boardgames.


There are currently three main endpoints:

  • /boardgames
  • /gamename
  • /random

More information can be found on each endpoint below.

Query Parameters

There are currently nine query parameters you can use to customise and filter your request. All query params must be formatted as follows;



"/boardgames?maxplayers=4" or "/boardgames?playtime=120"

Query parameters can be chained together using "&";

gamedescriptionReturns the description for each boardgame as a string if true. On the primary endpoint, this is set to false by default for better readability of large data sets. However, in the /gamname and /random endpoints, it is a permanent fixture.Boolean
maxplayersReturns all boardgames where the max_players field equals the given value.Integer
playtimeReturns all boardgames where the play_time field equals the given value. Value should be entered in minutes only. Eg. 60 for 1 hour.Integer
yearpublishedReturns all boardgames where the year_published field equals the given value.Integer
gamecategoryReturns all boardgames where the game_category array contains the given value.String
gamemechanicReturns all boardgames where the game_mechanic array contains the given value.String
gamedesignerReturns all boardgames where the game_designer array contains the given value.Integer
pageReturns the given page.Integer
pagesizeAmends the total amount of results returned from the API. By default, this is set to 50 and cannot exceed 100.Integer

Note: The above query parameters are currently only available for use on the /boardgames primary endpoint. Compatibility with the /random endpoint will be implemented soon.